Vocabulary for IELTS – technology

Home 9 Free IELTS Reading resources 9 Vocabulary for IELTS – technology

Demonstrating a range of vocabulary is essential for a good result in the IELTS test, so here are 20 words you can use to improve your score when talking about technology.

  1. Innovation: Introduction of new ideas or methods

    • Examples:
      • Development of electric cars like Tesla.
      • Introduction of biometric security measures in smartphones.
  2. Automation: Use of technology to control processes

    • Examples:
      • Automated assembly lines in manufacturing plants.
      • Automated customer service chatbots on websites.
  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI): Simulation of human intelligence in machines

    • Examples:
      • AI-powered recommendation systems on streaming platforms.
      • AI-based language translation services.
  4. Algorithm: Step-by-step procedure or formula for solving problems

    • Examples:
      • Search engine algorithms like Google’s PageRank.
      • Social media algorithms determining content visibility.
  5. Cybersecurity: Protection against unauthorized access or attacks

    • Examples:
      • Antivirus software safeguarding computers from malware.
      • Two-factor authentication for secure logins.
  6. Data Mining: Extraction of patterns or information from large datasets

    • Examples:
      • Retailers analyzing customer purchase history for marketing strategies.
      • Healthcare systems using data mining for disease trend analysis.
  7. Virtual Reality (VR): Simulation of a three-dimensional environment

    • Examples:
      • VR gaming experiences with immersive environments.
      • VR simulations for training in various industries.
  8. Augmented Reality (AR): Overlaying digital information onto the real world

    • Examples:
      • AR apps displaying information about landmarks when pointed at them.
      • AR glasses for hands-free instructions in manufacturing.
  9. Internet of Things (IoT): Interconnected devices communicating via the internet

    • Examples:
      • Smart home devices controlling lights, thermostats, and appliances.
      • IoT in agriculture for monitoring soil conditions and crop health.
  10. Cloud Computing: Storing and accessing data and programs over the internet

    • Examples:
      • Cloud-based document storage services like Google Drive.
      • Software as a Service (SaaS) applications accessed through the cloud.
  11. Biometrics: Authentication using biological characteristics

    • Examples:
      • Fingerprint scanning for unlocking smartphones.
      • Facial recognition for access control in secure areas.
  12. Cryptocurrency: Digital currency secured by cryptography

    • Examples:
      • Bitcoin as a decentralized cryptocurrency.
      • Ethereum’s smart contracts for executing agreements.
  13. Nanotechnology: Manipulation of matter at the molecular or atomic level

    • Examples:
      • Nanoparticles in sunscreen for better UV protection.
      • Nanotechnology in medicine for targeted drug delivery.
  14. 3D Printing: Creation of three-dimensional objects layer by layer

    • Examples:
      • Prototyping products in manufacturing using 3D printing.
      • 3D printed prosthetics customized for individual users.
  15. Software: Programs and applications for computers and devices

    • Examples:
      • Operating systems like Windows or MacOS.
      • Productivity software such as Microsoft Office.
  16. Hardware: Physical components of a computer or device

    • Examples:
      • Central Processing Unit (CPU) in a computer.
      • Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) for rendering images.
  17. Wireless: Technology enabling communication without physical connections

    • Examples:
      • Wi-Fi networks for internet access without cables.
      • Bluetooth for wireless audio connections between devices.
  18. Drones: Unmanned aerial vehicles used for various purposes

    • Examples:
      • Aerial photography and videography using drones.
      • Delivery services employing drones for package transport.
  19. GPS (Global Positioning System): Satellite-based navigation system

    • Examples:
      • GPS in smartphones for accurate location tracking.
      • Vehicle navigation systems guiding drivers using GPS.
  20. Biotechnology: Use of biological systems or organisms in technology

    • Examples:
      • Genetically modified crops for increased yield.
      • Biotechnological advancements in pharmaceuticals for new medications.
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