Responding practice

Responding practice

Now practise using comparative and superlative structures along with other relevant language to answer these Part Three questions. The questions relate to the topic card you saw in the previous exercise. Play the audio files to hear the questions. NB There is no...
Video: Using adverbs to compare

Video: Using adverbs to compare

Narration: Using adverbs to compare. We can also use comparatives and superlatives when using adverbs. The majority are formed in the following way. As with adjectives there are some irregular adverbs as we can see here. Some adverbs are the same as the adjective...
Video: Using adverbs to compare

Video: Expressing and comparing quantity

Narration: Expressing and comparing quantity. There are a number of words that you can use to express and compare quantity. However, there are slight differences between them. A little. We use this with uncountable nouns. The meaning is some but not much. Here is an...