Here are the definitions and an example sentence for today’s 10 essential words.
- Convoluted (adjective) Extremely complex and difficult to follow; intricate.
The legal system’s convoluted procedures can be difficult to navigate for those without legal expertise.
- Salient (adjective): Prominent or conspicuous; standing out from the rest.
The professor highlighted the salient points of the lecture for the students to remember.
- Arcane (adjective): Understood by few; mysterious or secret.
The legal language used in the contract was so arcane that even lawyers had trouble deciphering it.
- Ephemeral (adjective): Lasting for only a short time; short-lived; fleeting.
The success of the company’s new product was ephemeral, as it quickly lost popularity among consumers.
- Idiosyncratic (adjective): Peculiar or unique to an individual; having unusual behavioral or physical characteristics.
The artist’s style was so idiosyncratic that it was instantly recognizable as his own.
- Perfunctory (adjective): Carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection; routine or superficial.
The student’s perfunctory effort on the assignment earned her a mediocre grade.
- Reticent (adjective): Not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily; reserved or hesitant.
The shy teenager was reticent in social situations, preferring to keep to herself.
- Sagacious (adjective): Having or showing good judgement; wise or shrewd.
The CEO’s sagacious decision to invest in the new technology paid off well.
- Venerable (adjective): Respected and admired due to age, wisdom, or character; deserving of reverence or respect.
The venerable professor had been teaching at the university for over 50 years and was highly respected by his colleagues and students alike.
- Vicariously (adverb): Experienced or felt by watching or reading about someone else’s experiences, rather than having experienced them oneself; indirect or second-hand.
She lived vicariously through her daughter’s successes, attending every game and performance and feeling a sense of pride as if she had accomplished those feats herself.
Now see if you can use one of the ten words in each of the sentences below. Scroll down to check your answers.
- The ancient temple was considered a ………….. site of worship and pilgrimage, attracting visitors from all over the world.
- The politician was ………….. about his personal life, rarely giving interviews or making public appearances.
- Reading about his adventures in far-off lands allowed me to experience the thrill of travel ……………, without ever leaving my hometown.
- The employee’s ………….. greeting suggested that he wasn’t really interested in helping the customer.
- ………….. investment decisions are important when planning for retirement.
- The plot of the movie was so ………….. that many viewers struggled to understand it.
- The ancient manuscript was written in an ………….. language that few people could read.
- The most ………….. feature of the new phone is its high-resolution camera, at present unmatched by competitors.
- The beauty of the cherry blossoms is ………….., lasting only a few days before the petals fall.
- The professor, known to be eccentric, had some ………….. teaching methods that some students found difficult to follow.
- The ancient temple was considered a venerable site of worship and pilgrimage, attracting visitors from all over the world.
- The politician was reticent about his personal life, rarely giving interviews or making public appearances.
- Reading about his adventures in far-off lands allowed me to experience the thrill of travel vicariously, without ever leaving my hometown.
- The employee’s perfunctory greeting suggested that he wasn’t really interested in helping the customer.
- Sagacious investment decisions are important when planning for retirement.
- The plot of the movie was so convoluted that many viewers struggled to understand it.
- The ancient manuscript was written in an arcane language that few people could read.
- The most salient feature of the new phone is its high-resolution camera, at present unmatched by competitors.
- The beauty of the cherry blossoms is ephemeral, lasting only a few days before the petals fall.
- The professor, known to be eccentric, had some idiosyncratic teaching methods that some students found difficult to follow.