Talking about people IELTS (Part 3)

Talking about people in the IELTS speaking test lesson 3

Before starting this lesson, make sure you have completed Lesson 1 and Lesson 2.

Talking about people in the IELTS speaking test lesson 3

Learning synonyms is a good way to enrich your English vocabulary, and this will help you achieve a higher IELTS band score. The two columns below contain two lists of adjectives.

Match up a word from the dropdown list to the word in bold.

1 amusing is a synonym for:

2 diligent is a synonym for:

3 easy-going is a synonym for:

4 fearless is a synonym for:

5 generous is a synonym for:

6 intelligent is a synonym for:

7 loyal is a synonym for:

8 optimistic is a synonym for:

9 passionate is a synonym for:

10 creative is a synonym for:

11 rational is a synonym for:

12 utopian is a synonym for:

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  1. amusing = funny
  2. diligent = dedicated
  3. easy-going = relaxed
  4. fearless = intrepid
  5. generous = kind
  6. intelligent = clever
  7. loyal = faithful
  8. optimistic = positive
  9. passionate = enthusiastic
  10. creative = inventive
  11. rational = logical
  12. utopian = idealistic

Now practice in a complete sentence.

Finish the sentences below with an appropriate adjective from Part One.

1. In order to be a successful artist you need to be __________.

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2. John is such a _________ student, he studies for four or five hours every night.

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3. Dogs are man’s best friend because they are so _________.

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4. Sandra’s grandfather is really __________ , he bought her a car for her birthday.

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5. In an ___________ world there wouldn’t be any suffering or unhappiness.

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6. Sharks are naturally ___________ , they have no predators and killing is instinctive.

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7. Maxine is so __________ about Italian movies, she’s decided to study Italian.

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8. Mathematics requires a ___________ process of thinking.

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9. In New Zealand you can enjoy an __________ lifestyle.

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10. It is better to be an ___________ person – it is a much happier outlook on life.

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11. We watched a very _____________ comedian on TV last night.

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12. Albert Einstein was an extremely ___________ scientist and mathematician.

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Talking about people in the IELTS speaking test

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