IELTS Reading Test Multiple-Choice Questions (Choosing One Answer from Four Choices)

IELTS Reading Test Multiple-Choice Questions (Choosing One Answer from Four Choices)

In today’s free IELTS materials we will practise answering multiple choice questions in the reading test.
For multiple-choice questions, you must choose the correct answer(s) based on the reading.

Multiple-choice questions test your ability to understand the main idea of the relevant paragraphs and require you to look for specific information in the text.

Types of Multiple-Choice Questions

There are three types of multiple-choice questions that you could be required to answer in the IELTS Reading Test.

Choose one answer from four choices (A, B, C or D)
Choose two answers from five choices (A, B, C, D or E)
Choose three answers from seven choices (A, B, C, D, E, F or G)

It is very important that you read the instruction carefully, so you know how many answers you are looking for!
In today’s materials we will look at multiple-choice questions where you need to choose one answer from four choices (A, B, C or D).

In the real test, a combination of different question types will be used for each reading passage, but for this exercise we will use an extract from a full passage and practise multiple choice questions.

Read the extract and answer the questions that follow.

The Age of Exploration

During the 15th and 16th centuries, European powers began a period of intense exploration, seeking new trade routes, wealth, and knowledge. This era, known as the Age of Exploration, saw expeditions across oceans, discovery of new lands, and encounters with indigenous peoples.

One of the primary motivations behind the Age of Exploration was the desire for wealth. European countries such as Spain, Portugal, England, and the Netherlands sought to bypass the monopolistic trade routes controlled by the Ottoman Empire and access the lucrative markets of the East directly. The hope was to find shorter and safer routes to Asia for the profitable spice trade. Additionally, the discovery of precious metals like gold and silver in the Americas fuelled European ambitions for further exploration.

Advancements in technology also played a crucial role in facilitating exploration. Innovations in navigation, such as the astrolabe and compass, also allowed sailors to determine their position accurately at sea, reducing the risk of getting lost. The period saw the development of more seaworthy ships, notably the caravel, a small manoeuvrable sailing ship designed and used by the Portuguese to explore along the West African coast and into the Atlantic Ocean and by Columbus on his expeditions of exploration of the Americas.

However, the Age of Exploration also had profound consequences, both positive and negative. While it led to the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between continents, it also resulted in the exploitation and colonisation of indigenous peoples. The encounter between Europeans and Native Americans, for example, had devastating effects on the latter due to diseases brought by the Europeans and the imposition of colonial rule.

Despite its complexities, the Age of Exploration marked a significant turning point in world history, shaping global trade, politics, and culture for centuries to come.

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

1. What was one of the main reasons behind the Age of Exploration?
A) Spread of Christianity
B) Desire for wealth
C) Search for new medical knowledge
D) Expansion of empires

2. Which European countries were involved in the Age of Exploration?
A) England and France
B) Portugal and Greece
C) Spain and Portugal
D) The Netherlands and Belgium

3. What innovative advantage did the Portuguese explorers have?
A) The best compasses
B) The astrolabe
C) Better sailors
D) Use of caravels

4. What were the consequences of the Age of Exploration?
A) Increased isolation of cultures
B) Spreading of illnesses and colonial rule
C) War
D) Preservation of indigenous cultures


1. B One of the primary motivations behind the Age of Exploration was the desire for wealth.
2. C European countries such as Spain, Portugal, England, and the Netherlands sought to bypass the monopolistic trade routes controlled by the Ottoman Empire and access the lucrative markets of the East directly.
3. D The period saw the development of more seaworthy ships, such as the caravel, a small manoeuvrable sailing ship designed and used by the Portuguese to explore along the West African coast and into the Atlantic Ocean and by Columbus on his expeditions of exploration of the Americas.
4. B The encounter between Europeans and Native Americans, for example, had devastating effects on the latter due to diseases brought by the Europeans and the imposition of colonial rule.

How did you do?

Here are some tips for tackling multiple choice questions in IELTS.


It’s generally a good idea to skim the passage first before looking at the answer options. Circle keywords or main ideas that might help you locate the relevant information later.

Read the instructions carefully: Understand what the question is asking you to do. Pay attention to any specific instructions such as selecting one answer or multiple answers.

Read the questions. Pay close attention to any keywords or phrases that tell you what type of answer you are looking for.

Eliminate wrong answers. After reading the answer options, try to eliminate any that are obviously incorrect. Try to identify information in the passage that directly supports or contradicts each option.

There will generally be a reference to all the possible choices, but the incorrect answers will clearly be wrong or will be incomplete.

Go back to the passage and read the relevant paragraphs carefully. Pay attention to relevant details such as dates, names, and specific examples.

Beware of answer choices that are designed to trick you. They may contain information that is mentioned in the passage but is not directly relevant to the question or states an opposite idea.

Avoid wasting time! Don’t spend too much time on any single question. If you get stuck, move on to the next question and come back to it later.

If you are still not sure about an answer, make an educated guess! There is no penalty for incorrect answers in the IELTS reading test so don’t leave any questions unanswered.

Practise regularly: This will help you become more confident and efficient in answering questions under time pressure.

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