IELTS reading exercise 4 – Classifying questions

Read the text below and answer the CLASSIFYING questions that follow. After checking your answers, you should also look at the vocabulary section for this text at the bottom of the page. Speed levels:

25 minutes or more = TOO SLOW!
18 minutes = not bad
12 minutes = good
5 to 12 minutes = very good
less than 5 minutes = AMAZING!


Despite the great strides made in understanding and promoting health, especially in recent decades, there are still a large number of areas for which definitive research is still thin on the ground. Crystal healing, the power of suggestion and positive thinking, even acupuncture, are still not fully understood and there is a strong element of doubt, notably in western attitudes, that these ‘alternative’ options for maintaining or recovering health have any discernible value. However, there are an increasing number of people, dissatisfied with the pharmaceutical approach, who are looking elsewhere to find solutions to ailments.

Although still relatively unknown in many countries, one area that is receiving an increasing amount of attention, both positive and negative, is Quantum Neurology, a technique which redressing imbalances in the nervous system to encourage or allow the body to recognize damaged or weakened areas and act accordingly to strengthen or repair them. This is accomplished with a specific series of upper and lower body muscle strength tests designed to evaluate the entire system, as well as strengthening the nerves with light therapy, and gentle joint movements.

Having strong links to osteopathy, with its holistic approach to treatment, quantum neurology aims to relink the complete nervous system as a whole, and is reported to have had significance success in a wide range of cases. The founder and developer of the system credits the work he was able to perform on his wife following a moderate spinal cord injury and recovery. A lack of realistic treatment options or even a firm diagnosis of cause led Dr Smith, who was already studying to become an osteopath, to investigate the healing power within the nervous system. He was later noted as stating that ‘It was exhilarating to see immediate healing express itself. With well-focused corrections, damaged nerve function was restored. Nothing was added to the body and nothing was removed, simply the stimulation of the Nervous System in very specific ways to elicit the lost function to return.’

Smith has also identified a definition of the nervous system as it relates to quantum neurology. Not only does it refer to the physical body (muscles, bones, and general mechanics), but also what is classed as the non-physical body – that aspect which many people have previously known as an aura or spirit. His work over recent years has been to build a map of the nervous system, both physical and non-physical, in order to explore the functions and healing pathways, much like ‘the electrician commands the flow of electricity of a home through the breaker box and wires.’

According to Smith, for quantum neurology to take effect, a series of very precise manipulations in a clear sequence are required. The specific pattern will vary not only form person to person, but also depend very much on what weaknesses are identified and targeted. However, it is this irregular approach that has caused many to doubt the true effectiveness of the principle. Marek Sczepanski, a researcher from the Institute of Applied Medicines in Poland, has argued that unless a clear, unified approach is applied that can be tested and verified, then there is no clear way to quantifiably prove the effectiveness of quantum neurology.

Other medical debate has focused on the actual tools quantum neurology relies on to rebuild the nervous system. The principle is that it is breakdowns in communication within the nervous system that causes the problem, so tools are needed which can encourage or stimulate this communication, the most common tool being light therapy. Those promoting quantum neurology claim that a direct beam from a visible red laser, aimed directly at the brain stem, can ‘light up’ the entire nervous system, allowing the body to identify weakened or damaged areas of the system and act accordingly to repair them. This has led to others in the medical profession to argue that quantum neurology is not a reliable approach as the benefits of visible red lasers is unproven and unfounded.

Dr J F Penrey has also criticized quantum neurology on the basis not only of what he deems ‘anecdotal case studies’ rather than direct scientific research, going as a far as to say that ‘even the name quantum neurology is a marketing term meant to give the false impression of cutting edge science’.

Dr Kate Barrow follows a more neutral line – comfortable with the concept of the nervous system being able to repair itself to a degree given the right encouragement, she argues that in many, non-severe cases, positive results are largely what is know in scientific circles as dowsing. That is, the results are affected by what the patient wants to happen, rather than what was actually cured or repaired. However, Matteus Enroub, a proponent of quantum neurology, points out that if this was the case, then surrogate testing (where another person is used as the ‘medium’ between the patient and the practitioner) would not be effective. Using another person to test reactions to certain stimuli, where areas of weakness are passed through to the surrogate who had not previously been informed of these specific areas, illustrates that this cannot be a purely psychological phenomena.

Regardless of personal opinions, it is clear that Quantum Neurology is a branch of healing that requires – and deserves – further study.

Classify the following statements as referring to:

  • Dr Smith
  • Marek Sczepanski
  • Dr J F Penrey
  • Dr Kate Barrow
  • Matteus Enroub

Write the correct letter A-E in boxes 1-10 below.

1. Became involved in Quantum Neurology for personal reasons
Show answer

2. Believes that a consistent, uniform application is required in order to evaluate Quantum Neurology
Show answer

3. Believes that a consistent, uniform application is required in order to evaluate Quantum Neurology
Show answer

4. Argues that even the language used is misleading
Show answer

5. Argues that even the language used is misleading
Show answer

6. Suggests that in milder cases, there could be a psychological factor that promotes healing rather than strict science
Show answer

7. Tests involving people with no prior knowledge of afflictions means that the effect must be more than psychological
Show answer


thin on the ground = not much of something, rare or limited

discernible = something that can be seen or determined

ailments = another word for sicknesses, aches or pains

redressing = to fix, remedy, put right

holistic = considering the body as a whole, not as individual parts

exhilarating = feel very happy or excited

elicit = to draw out, encourage a response

verified = proven, shown to be accurate or true

anecdotal = based on personal experience not research; not necessarily true

a proponent = someone who supports something

practitioner = someone engaged in an art or profession (commonly medical)


Complete the sentences below using one of the words in the list above. Use each word ONCE ONLY.

This government is a strong  of encouraging people to train. Show answer

The government should be doing more to the difference in wealth between rich and poor. Show answer

There is a common belief that chocolate can cause spots, but this is purely  – there is no scientific proof to support it. Show answer

Western medicine is often targeted at specific problems, and this can lead to more side effects than alternatives. Show answer 

The police interviewed the suspect, hoping to a confession. Show answer

The number of pandas are becoming increasingly . Show answer

He has been studying very hard and I’m happy to say there has been a improvement in his test results.Show answer

Many older people find their health declining as they suffer from an increasing number of . Show answer

When calling the bank, you need to know the password so your identity can be . Show answer

If you feel you may have caught the ‘flu, contact your nearest medical . Show answer

I love sky diving – it’s such an experience! Show answer

IELTS reading exercise 4 – Classifying questions

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