Expressing ability – future and past

Expressing ability – future and past

  Positive Modal Past Future 1a can could cannot use can use rule 2a 2a to be able to was/were able to will be able to 3a to know how to knew how to will know how to   Negative Modal Past Future 1b cannot could not cannot use can use rule 2b 2b to (not) be...
Expressing ability – future and past

Expressing ability

Usage Modal Verb Example Have the ability to do something (positive) can / to be able to Many people can speak more than one language. Many mothers are able to manage a family and a full time job. Have the knowledge which gives the ability to do something (positive)...
Expressing ability – future and past

The causative

Causative verbs, as the name suggests, are used when we want to talk about somebody causing something to take place but not actually performing the action. In sentences including causative verbs, the subject does not perform the action. Compare the causative to active...